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The Australasian Double Reed Society Inc. (adrs) is a non-profit organisation which promotes and enhances knowledge of double reed instruments (oboe and bassoon family).

The adrs encourages performance, education and interaction between double reed players of all standards, and maintains close links with similar societies throughout the world.

Membership of the adrs consists of a large cross-range of the Double Reed community, including professional players in major Symphony Orchestras, freelance professional players, woodwind educators, students in the Secondary and Tertiary sectors, enthusiasts and amateur players.

The adrs achieves its aims with a team of enthusiastic committee members who generously give their time and talents voluntarily to further the cause of the adrs objectives. Our Society is privileged to have active representatives located in major cities throughout Australia including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Canberra.

Popular events are held in each represented state and include Recitals, Masterclasses, Activities Days, Reedmaking Demonstrations and Workshops, Examination Workshops, Lectures, and Teachers Forums

The adrs is proud to have been the host for two major double reed events – the first ever held in the Australasian region. This is significant not only for the expansion in the interest of double reed practice in the region but also as an indication of the advancement and achievement of the adrs, Australasian music and of double reed performance.

Success has been achieved through the promotion of events, the publication of Reeding Matter, support from music trade and service organisations, and an ever-increasing membership base.

The adrs actively supports music organisations and business in both the Australasian region and internationally by providing exposure to the niche market of double reed players and to the wider musical community.

Opportunities include sponsorship of events, advertising in Reeding Matter and adrs event programmes. Tailor-made opportunities are also available by negotiation with your state representative.

Reeding Matter

Insightful, informative and entertaining, Reeding Matter is the only publication for double reed players, trade organisations and manufacturers in the Australasian region.

Reeding Matter plays a vital role in the Society’s activities, keeping members in touch with current news and events, and providing information on all aspects of double reed playing and musicianship.

  1. ADRS
  2. Pedagogy & discussion forums
  3. Double reed community events & information
  4. Professional players
  5. Calendar of double reed concerts & events in Australia & New Zealand
  6. Calendar of double reed concerts & events in Australia & New Zealand
  7. Reviews of double reed events
  8. Miscellaneous scribblings – musical travels, letters, original artwork & puzzles
  9. New publications, recordings & online resources
  10. Trade information, double reed accessories, supplies & classified advertisement
  11. Submissions

Wherever you are in the Australasian region, Reeding Matter provides a common link and forum for players of all levels. Please feel free to contribute articles, reviews, news, calendar events, other double-reed announcements, and original artwork.

2024 Reeding Matter Deadlines

FRIDAY 31 MAY 2024

Inquiries & Submissions

The Editor – Josie Hawkes

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Effective and incredibly affordable, proceeds from advertising are used to fund ADRS activities, events and to sustain the high-quality printing of Reeding Matter.

This publication is copyright. All material appearing in Reeding Matter, unless otherwise indicated is Copyright © 2006 Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the copyright act, no part may be reproduced by any process in whole or in part without the express permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in Reeding Matter are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the editor or the ADRS. 

Local Bocal February 2023

Dear Double Reeders, first of all Happy New Year and I hope you are all looking forward to another year of Double Reed playing. If you were thinking that you had fallen off the Local Bocal mailing list, do not fear. You haven't but Local Bocal has been on leave for quite a while.

 We had some very successful events last year culminating in a wonderful Carols on Ninth Avenue. It was very popular with many people staying to watch the whole performance on both nights. Everyone involved had a fantastic time.

  • We usually have our rightly famous Quiznic round about now, but we have been short of a couple of committee members (Hannah is working in Sydney and Josh has been in Germany) and we are running into the Festival and Fringe so we have decided to defer until the end of the year. Watch this space!
  • In the middle of the year we'll have a "big Blow". Be there!
  • We shall also be having our St John's Concert of course. Suggestions for a theme always welcome.
  • This year, in association with Adelaide Horn Jam, Arcadia Winds and possibly other colleagues, we are going to have some events in the week of September 11th-18th. More info to follow
  • The indefatigable Jane Downer will be in Adelaide again soon to present a series of concerts which sound wonderful. Jane is a great supporter of ADRSSA and her articles on Baroque Oboe playing for Reeding Matter are fascinating. If you haven't experienced a concert in the Baroque Hall in North Adelaide, I strongly encourage you to see what a treasure it is and enjoy the music as well!


             Wednesday 12th APRIL

             2 - 3pm

            St David’s Church, 484-494 Glynburn Rd, BURNSIDE 

             REALMS of FANTASY

            Fantasias by Buxtehude, Bach, Telemann & other composers for baroque oboe, recorder & organ                   

            performed by Austral Harmony

            Tickets $10

            Thursday 13th APRIL

            12 - 12.40pm

            Baroque Hall, 104 Tynte St, NORTH ADELAIDE

            GALANT et MAGNIFIQUE 

            Music of intimacy and elegance for baroque oboe and harpsichord from the great age and artistic environs           

            of Louis XIV featuring beautifully ornamented and subtly expressive music by d’Anglebert, Clérambault                   

            and François Couperin performed by Austral Harmony

            Tickets $5

           Friday 14th APRIL

           1.10 - 2pm

           Elder Hall, North Terrace, ADELAIDE 

           BACH Triptych

         Solos and Trios by J S Bach forming a musical triptych for oboe, recorder, violin &                       

         organ performed by Austral Harmony

         Tickets $14

  • On your behalf ADRSSA has commissioned a work for Wind Quintet by local composer Anne Cawrse. It is to be titled Honeybee and after its premiere performance by Arcadia Winds it will be available for everyone to use, so here is another piece to add to your WQ repertoire. Open these links to learn about Anne and her oeuvre. We are thrilled that she has accepted the commission and are really looking forward to hearing and playing Honeybee which will be dedicated to ADRSSA





  • We are sad to report that Ruth Redfern has died. Ruth was a strong supporter of ADRSSA and often attended our events with her Baroque oboe. Vale, Ruth, we'll miss you.

It may look as though we don't have many actual dates for your diary, but they will be firmed up very soon so keep on reading LOCAL BOCAL!

Best wishes from your ADRSSA Committee:

 Caryl Lambourn (State Rep)

 Josie Hawkes OAM

 Josh Oates

 Tim Rosen

Local Bocal March 2023

Dear Double Reeders,

some dates for your diary:

We usually have our rightly famous Quiznic round about now, but we have been short of a couple of
committee members to work on preparing it. At our last committee meeting on Sunday 12th
(farewell Hannah, welcome back Charles) we decided that 2023 will be a Quiznic- free year. We will
try to get in early next year on Feb 4th to avoid "Mad March" which has made previous years difficult to

There will be a Performance Practice on Wednesday 17th May. This will be an excellent opportunity
to play with an accompanist that we shall provide and you will get feedback on your performance from
a panel of friendly experts. Discuss this event with your teacher and start your preparation!

In the middle of the year we'll have a "Big Blow". This will be at Marryatville on Wednesday 28 th

We shall also be having our St John's Concert of course on Sunday 29th October. Our tentative
theme is "Folk Music to Reed By!" Rehearsals will be in the fortnight and Saturday preceding.

This year, in association with Adelaide Horn Jam, Arcadia Winds, and possibly other colleagues, we are
going to have some events in the week of September 11th -18th. More info to follow

The indefatigable Jane Downer will be in Adelaide again soon to present a series of concerts
that sound wonderful. Jane is a great supporter of ADRSSA and her articles on Baroque
Oboe playing for Reeding Matter are fascinating. If you haven't experienced a concert in the
Baroque Hall in North Adelaide, I strongly encourage you to see what a treasure it is and
enjoy the music as well!

Wednesday 12th APRIL
2 - 3pm
St David’s Church, 484-494 Glynburn Rd, BURNSIDE 

Fantasias by Buxtehude, Bach, Telemann & other composers for baroque oboe, recorder & organ
performed by Austral Harmony
Tickets $10 at the door
Thursday 13th APRIL
12 - 12.40pm
Baroque Hall, 104 Tynte St, NORTH ADELAIDE

Music of intimacy and elegance for baroque oboe and harpsichord from the great age and artistic environs
of Louis XIV featuring beautifully ornamented and subtly expressive music by d’Anglebert, Clérambault
and François Couperin performed by Austral Harmony
Tickets $30 Try Booking
Friday 14th APRIL
1.10 - 2pm
Elder Hall, North Terrace, ADELAIDE

BACH Triptych
Solos and Trios for oboe, violin, recorder and organ by J S Bach performed by Austral Harmony
Tickets $14 at the door

Local Bocal August 2023

Dear Double Reeders, it has been a very cold winter but it seems as though there has been a lot of double reed activities and opportunities and some of you/us have been very busy. As a person who often has to get an orchestra or chamber group together it has been difficult sometimes; not because there aren't enough players but because there are so many things on. Which is good!
Here are some events that we are organising with advice about participating.

• Our friends the Arcadia Wind Quintet will be in Adelaide in the week beginning September 11th. On Friday of that week, the 15th they will be performing at a lunchtime concert at Elder Hall. Try to get there even if it means skipping work or school!

• On the evening of 15th September from 7-9 at Marryatville, Rachel Bullen, oboe and Matthew Kneale will give a short recital followed by participating in a Double Reed Choir (aka Big Blow) with all those of you who wish to take part in our annual St John's Concert on 29th October.

• We shall be having our St John's Concert on Sunday 29th October at 2pm. Our theme is "Folk Music to Reed By!" Rehearsals will be on 18th October 7-9, 23rd October 7-9 and Saturday 28th October2-4 at Marryatville and there will be a preview rehearsal on 15th September as mentioned above. You will need to register for this event, so please do so NOW by emailing me (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and make sure to put the dates in your diary.

• Some concerts you may be interested in:
Celia Craig (oboe) and Thomas Trotter(organ) in St Peter's cathedral on Saturday 19th August 2pm. Information and One of the works on the program is the premiere of a work by award-winning Adelaide composer, Anne Cawrse. ADRSSA has commissioned a Wind Quintet by Anne which will be premiered on December 8th by the Arcadia Wind Quintet.

Mark Gaydon (bassoon) Alison Heike(violin) and Michael Ierace at North Adelaide baroque Hall on 31st August at 1pm. Mark will also be presenting the Hummel Concerto for Bassoon with Michael on the 9th September in the same venue. Go to for full details of the very interesting series of programs that is being offered.

• Eisteddfod winners. Congratulations to Ulani Rangai, Bridget Wong, Jade Elsdon and Clara Mae Johnson. Ulani did a sterling job, entering many sections and winning or gaining a place in each one.

• ADRS Competition. Go to to see the details of the competition and note that the cut-off date is 13th August.

• ADRS AGM. This will be held on 26th August at 5pm by ZOOM. If you are a member, we urge you to participate. Again, check for details on the ADRS website. If you are not a member it's not too late to join. Go to the adrs website as above and renew .

Best wishes, for now, Caryl Lambourn and Committee.

Local Bocal November 2023

Dear Double Reeders, it has been a very cold winter but it seems as though there has been a lot of double reed activities and opportunities and some of you/us have been very busy. As a person who often has to get an orchestra or chamber group together it has been difficult sometimes; not because there aren't enough players but because there are so many things on. Which is good!
Here are some events that we are organising with advice about participating.

• Our friends the Arcadia Wind Quintet will be in Adelaide in the week beginning September 11th. On Friday of that week, the 15th they will be performing at a lunchtime concert at Elder Hall. Try to get there even if it means skipping work or school!

• On the evening of 15th September from 7-9 at Marryatville, Rachel Bullen, oboe and Matthew Kneale will give a short recital followed by participating in a Double Reed Choir (aka Big Blow) with all those of you who wish to take part in our annual St John's Concert on 29th October.

• We shall be having our St John's Concert on Sunday 29th October at 2pm. Our theme is "Folk Music to Reed By!" Rehearsals will be on 18th October 7-9, 23rd October 7-9 and Saturday 28th October2-4 at Marryatville and there will be a preview rehearsal on 15th September as mentioned above. You will need to register for this event, so please do so NOW by emailing me (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and make sure to put the dates in your diary.

• Some concerts you may be interested in:
Celia Craig (oboe) and Thomas Trotter(organ) in St Peter's cathedral on Saturday 19th August 2pm. Information and One of the works on the program is the premiere of a work by award-winning Adelaide composer, Anne Cawrse. ADRSSA has commissioned a Wind Quintet by Anne which will be premiered on December 8th by the Arcadia Wind Quintet.

Mark Gaydon (bassoon) Alison Heike(violin) and Michael Ierace at North Adelaide baroque Hall on 31st August at 1pm. Mark will also be presenting the Hummel Concerto for Bassoon with Michael on the 9th September in the same venue. Go to for full details of the very interesting series of programs that is being offered.

• Eisteddfod winners. Congratulations to Ulani Rangai, Bridget Wong, Jade Elsdon and Clara Mae Johnson. Ulani did a sterling job, entering many sections and winning or gaining a place in each one.

• ADRS Competition. Go to to see the details of the competition and note that the cut-off date is 13th August.

• ADRS AGM. This will be held on 26th August at 5pm by ZOOM. If you are a member, we urge you to participate. Again, check for details on the ADRS website. If you are not a member it's not too late to join. Go to the adrs website as above and renew .

Best wishes, for now, Caryl Lambourn and Committee.

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