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The Australasian Double Reed Society Inc. (adrs) is a non-profit organisation that promotes and enhances knowledge of double reed instruments (oboe and bassoon family). The adrs encourages performance, education, and interaction between double reed players of all standards, and maintains close links with similar societies throughout the world.
Membership of the adrs consists of a large cross range of the Double Reed community, including professional players in major Symphony Orchestras, freelance professional players, woodwind educators and students in the Secondary and Tertiary sectors, enthusiasts, and amateur players.


Content on this site is for general double-reed interest. Adverts for playing positions, concerts for double reeds, and any classes and jobs are welcome. Commercial adverts are not allowed. For private sales please see the Classifieds section. No commercial products will be published on the site. Commercial advertising to ADRS members is available through the main website and the newsletter Reeding Matter
PO Box 180
North Geelong VIC 3215 
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